Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lucky moon

Rumy said that i am a lucky girl
I also think that i am lucky

I have the chance to study oversea
I stayed in other country for two and half years
I worked in other country
I like travelling and i had been to few places
I can make friends in everywhere

People come people go...
I .. dont receive many greeting from my friend in my birthday
Dont have any celebration
No cake ..
Nothing special
It really just another day to me
I am not sure that i really dont mind it
But i dont feel sad either
so ...

as long as ...
i believe that my friends didnt forget me
they just dont remember my birthday

so many events that happened to me during the trip had taught me alot
surprise keep coming to me
isn't that what you want and what you wish for this year?


luckily i still can take those surprise
it really happen everyday
just as what i wish!!!


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