Monday, October 19, 2009

Keep your suck services KTM.

Anger is a short madness. I am not mad. Just the trains had been cancelled. When can I manage to back home? I should have dinner at that time. But I still stuck in the the KTM station with the crowded. Two trains can not take all the waiting passengers back to their destination. What kind of service is that?

Finally wait for the train coming, people lost their control. All stuck at the door. People can not go out or get into the train. I heard some people said, 'This is one Malaysia la!'

True. This is what we show to the world. This is one Malaysia. What a shame.

You know what the KTM advantages to the government?
It encourages people to buy car, to have their own transport.
How many people have lost their temper?
How many people have lost their smile?

One Malaysia huh?

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